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Showing posts from 2014

appetite for difference

Hello friends, loads of wishes to you and your family for the festive season. It’s always been in my life that I had to do something and that something if it’s different it’s significant. This uncanny truth haunts me at times as I strive further for that act of difference. But I guess that’s how life is, it challenges you and silently demands for unique and different actions and outcome, and this acts as a instrument for inspiration. From the mundane to the classic we try to add that pinch of difference as we strive to sail through life. But have you wondered there are also many things surrounding you that do their deeds the same way ever since origin but still they get appreciated and praised (may be for not being different). Sorry for sounding philosophical, I am just trying out this so called “appetite for difference” topic and till now, my performance is very shabby. Take 2: So what I was saying is, lets say “ sunrise ” it’s the same way it happens and if you hap

the past antonym

Hi Friends, Whats Up? Today I am thinking of taking you guys through a wonder walk into a day in the future. Well, not by force, but if you will. The future is shaping up so fast that I found it utterly hard to visualize how more futuristic future could be. So let me try & lets get started. It’s just dawn, and I am busy finishing up the climax of my dream, as I cozily grip my pillow which has by now travelled a long distance from my head and now between my legs. I suddenly get a gentle tap on my back which I momentarily thought it to be a continuation of my dream, but a tad later I realised that it’s “ASIMO - the robot from Honda”, my helping mate. It’s been a month that he is with me, and I tell you, he is family.  As I woke up from my dream and start realising the environment around, the giant digital wall embrace me with the weather, appointments and important activities that are lined up for the day. Everything looks perfectly set, just that the weather would be

the introspect

I forgot when I last saw something quite far, you know trying to look beyond the horizon, hills, mountains or a landscape. I forgot when I last took a lung full of fresh air or shouted out loud facing the vast empty abundance. Forgot when I last met friends in person and wished a hi or a hello, until and unless it’s a mere coincidence.  I know, why it’s so, I am unable to see beyond horizon because cloud hugging skyscrapers now are more matured, pollution from the mini to the mammoth have made the air thick with toxic and a wish to a friend is always a status update using those infinite fashionable chat apps. The other day I woke up at night grasping for breath, it was a dream, O boy, I saw, I was unable to recognise my voice because I hardly speak the way I use to be or my handwritings, they have just changed and looks like a unknown but never to be used font-face. You can also try out this writing experiment, if you are lucky enough to find a pen and a paper handy to scribe

chariot of charity

Hello friends, How is life? As you by now have got an idea about today's topic from the title, hmm yes you rightly guessed, it talks about charity in all it’s forms. In midst of the hatred that we live in, there is also an existence of a parallel world that cares about the wellbeing of humanity. From the nimble to the noble cause, there are people who come forward with the only intension to help. Initiative like the #‎IceBucketChallenge that is working towards raising fund for “The ALS Association” by means of playing a silly game, or for that matter the “ (RED) ” initiative, which works towards saving babies born with HIV. Or it may be the thousands of CSR activities carried out in India and abroad. All have one thing in common, and that’s the attitude to help. Technology plays a very pivotal role in this movement by helping the awareness grow like wild fire using platform such as social media etc. You know, I always had this revolting attitude towards peop


Hello friends, how are things going? In the world of technology, there is no two days similar in whatever which way we look at it. A light bulb controlled by in-board switches gets replaced by bluetooth enabled devices the next day. It’s sometimes funny but most of it is utterly awe stuck. And thinking about technology with a class, there is only one company that comes to my mind, and that’s Apple. Sorry, if I hurt your sentiments with this comment. But jokes apart, I truly believe whatever Apple does, there is a style and story to it. Yes, they do have a flamboyant attitude towards things, but boy look how they execute each product or something very small as creating an ad for their product.  I am not sure if you guys got a chance to see the “ You’re more powerful than you think ” Apple ad’s. They simple depict class and depth of their technology and a hint for endless opportunity. I hear people talk about Apple loosing ground on innovations after Steve Jobs, well s


Hello friends, what’s up? And how is the Fifa turning out as we advent to the knockout stages of the game. One thing for sure, the teams who are loosing out are doing so with head high. This post, just like any other past posts of mine will talk about technology. Being a technology lover I closely follow the changes that are taking place in the tech horizon. It’s a treat living in this innovative era and fascinated by the twists & turns that every new technology brings with it.  Recent times saw some exciting releases from technology giants like Google & Amazon and I am really thrilled by what I saw.  To start with Amazon, they released there first mobile phone named “ firePhone ”. You may ask what’s different and I will be quick to say there’s many. " Dynamic Prospective ", with this it helps in locating users position with respect to the phone and the phone UI could be interacted by simple tilt gestures, nifty huh. Next, “ FireFly ”, this is some

We are close

Hi  friends, how are you all doing?    Thing’s have changed a lot since my last post. We have a bright time in Indian democracy. We elected a leader with a full majority in parliament, and we hope that our hopes ( which are tons of them ) juxtaposed, get's fulfilled.  We see, with the help of Gates Foundation, Polio is eradicated from our land and very soon will be from the world. They also are philanthropically involved in many other nobel cause and I take this opportunity to salute them. On a lighter note, we now have a selfie of our earth. “Wolfenstein”, the popular 1992 game returns with “ Wolfenstein - The New Order ”.  And the world sees the discovery of the new trending emoji ¯\_( ツ )_/¯ …it’s called “shruggie” Never the less, I feel that there is a paradigm change in the attitude world over and it gives me a “ high five ” feeling. ...and as John Lennon imagines & I quote " You may say I'm a dreamer  But I'm not the only one 

Me hungry very very

Hello friends, how is it going? Well I am back after a break. Today's topic is quite strange, but at the same time deals with a very common activity we humans do for a living " EAT ". I can see your eyebrows contracting in strange need of not going any further in this article. Well, but hold on, something interesting lies ahead. From my very early days I realised that I am a " foodie " ( very proud ). This is something that do not require any specific skill-set as such and solely depends on the creators of it. It also comes with the power of commenting hard on something which do not satisfy the taste buds or occasionally giving some expert tips on quantity of salt, pepper etc. But, today's article is not about discussing my life's smart choices but about a technology that for sure is going to change the very essence of food, it's preparation, and it's no less than a revolution. I know for the first time you are getting some interes