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the introspect

I forgot when I last saw something quite far, you know trying to look beyond the horizon, hills, mountains or a landscape. I forgot when I last took a lung full of fresh air or shouted out loud facing the vast empty abundance. Forgot when I last met friends in person and wished a hi or a hello, until and unless it’s a mere coincidence. 

I know, why it’s so, I am unable to see beyond horizon because cloud hugging skyscrapers now are more matured, pollution from the mini to the mammoth have made the air thick with toxic and a wish to a friend is always a status update using those infinite fashionable chat apps.

The other day I woke up at night grasping for breath, it was a dream, O boy, I saw, I was unable to recognise my voice because I hardly speak the way I use to be or my handwritings, they have just changed and looks like a unknown but never to be used font-face. You can also try out this writing experiment, if you are lucky enough to find a pen and a paper handy to scribe upon. For me it indeed took some effort to get hold of one.

It seems like the most common factors of life has become so uncommon. I as a person I am loosing out on my basic senses, as the world is busy creating gadgets with new sensors. But one thing for sure, it’s a trap that I am knowingly into and thus, there is no way out. 

As technology cultivates new ways of doing the same task and moments of life starts residing on the cloud. It’s just time that will tell if it will rain in the future.

so friends, as I always say, keep exploring, but this time for a change try to explore your treasure memories…


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