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Showing posts from August, 2013

Small Talk

Well I am not talking about the objective-oriented programming language developed by "Alan Kay" and Co. at Xerox and a later inspired version form Apple, but it's something more. In this fast moving world, many things change and mostly without a trace. But there are some changes which gets noticed when we accidentally start thinking about it. One of such subtle change has happen to the language we speak. To bring a larger perspective to this notion, lets step into the question of why we have languages?  Well to easily say it, "Language" helps us to express our thoughts and feelings with others". Now, you may wonder what's so new about it and even today and also the day's to come, people will continue to do the same. Well friend, the point here is how we say or speak the language of our choice. It doesn't mean that it is not expressive or correct today, but it is just that depending upon our own convenience we change it and thu


It really takes a lot of hard work and dedication to create a sculpture. The visible creations that we could see are now only limited to pottery or even the Hindu Goddesses during the yearly affaire or for that matter the last visit to a archaeological site or an ancient temple. The visual art creation all started many many years back around (24,000–22,000 BC), " Venus of Willendorf ", " Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel " to name a few from that time. Time moved on and the world got to see many a wonder notedly " Michelangelo's Moses ", " Moai from Easter Island ", " Nuremberg sculptor Adam Kraft ", " Venus de Milo ", " Michelangelo, The Statue of David ", " Ashoka Pillar, Vaishali, Bihar " and many more. The fast paced life has also brought some radical changes to life and the latest addition to it is 3D Printing .  3D Printing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtua

Watch Keeper

This was originated from the word woecce which meant "watchman", because it was used by town watchmen to keep track of their shifts. Yes you guessed it right, today's point of discussion is "watches".  You may be curious by now, why such a topic? I don't have time but I do have a watch. Well, never ever did "Peter Hele" knew during the 15th century that his invention would in the 21st century spread that ripple around.  Here comes iWatch, supposedly the next big venture from Apple. Well, it's not only Apple who wants a pie of it, but joining with equal pride are the guys from "Pebble", "Sony", "MotoACTV" and many more. And why not, the trend is catching up like wild-fire and you never know it may just peek from your sleeves when some asks you "What's the time by your iWatch?" … till then keep exploring ...