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the un-prepared self

In reality, sorrow is the catalyst for inducing sympathy, respect, and courage, and that’s the plight because it’s dipped in pity. You really don’t know what you are up to and friends neither do I. We are just driven by our instincts but sadly that instinct is coated with some confused thoughts inspired from around. Superiority comes with purity and not power.   It comes with understanding the consequences without searching for a raw reference. Let’s stop searching for brutal examples that we see around to shake our conscience, and just start doing something that helps us become pure.  Try to see the white canvas behind the painted world. The past history including yesterday is filled with wrongdoing and every time I encounter such incidents, I try to search that “un-prepared self” and expect it to do a miracle. And as the tough time passes, I get back to what I am good at… exploring “I”, “me” and “self” Helpless with choice, is what I derive from my actions but w
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