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Showing posts from May, 2015

manipulative alphabet

What you think and what you say was never the same. At times it may, but never always. Some things which are quite predominant but hastily stated otherwise. Maybe it has a reason in a situation or for that matter just showing one in high light. What ever be the case there is always a “ manipulative alphabet ” hanging nearby.  So, should we use that “alphabet”? Well friend, anything that is done without hurting, is allowed. Quite diplomatic huh!. Can’t help, actually that’s what “freedom of speech” is. Well talking about “freedom of speech”, recently there was a roar about this and in the process we could see and hear a lot of brouhaha. For a moment, I also thought of pitching in with my so called “expert comments” but later decided that let the topic settle down and marinate. Sorry to sound like a self proclaimed chef but you get the point. “the pointless fight”, “the in for injustice lot”, “the careless and proud to be carefree”, “the deceptive dominance”, “the chameleo