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Showing posts from August, 2014

chariot of charity

Hello friends, How is life? As you by now have got an idea about today's topic from the title, hmm yes you rightly guessed, it talks about charity in all it’s forms. In midst of the hatred that we live in, there is also an existence of a parallel world that cares about the wellbeing of humanity. From the nimble to the noble cause, there are people who come forward with the only intension to help. Initiative like the #‎IceBucketChallenge that is working towards raising fund for “The ALS Association” by means of playing a silly game, or for that matter the “ (RED) ” initiative, which works towards saving babies born with HIV. Or it may be the thousands of CSR activities carried out in India and abroad. All have one thing in common, and that’s the attitude to help. Technology plays a very pivotal role in this movement by helping the awareness grow like wild fire using platform such as social media etc. You know, I always had this revolting attitude towards peop


Hello friends, how are things going? In the world of technology, there is no two days similar in whatever which way we look at it. A light bulb controlled by in-board switches gets replaced by bluetooth enabled devices the next day. It’s sometimes funny but most of it is utterly awe stuck. And thinking about technology with a class, there is only one company that comes to my mind, and that’s Apple. Sorry, if I hurt your sentiments with this comment. But jokes apart, I truly believe whatever Apple does, there is a style and story to it. Yes, they do have a flamboyant attitude towards things, but boy look how they execute each product or something very small as creating an ad for their product.  I am not sure if you guys got a chance to see the “ You’re more powerful than you think ” Apple ad’s. They simple depict class and depth of their technology and a hint for endless opportunity. I hear people talk about Apple loosing ground on innovations after Steve Jobs, well s