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Showing posts from March, 2014

Me hungry very very

Hello friends, how is it going? Well I am back after a break. Today's topic is quite strange, but at the same time deals with a very common activity we humans do for a living " EAT ". I can see your eyebrows contracting in strange need of not going any further in this article. Well, but hold on, something interesting lies ahead. From my very early days I realised that I am a " foodie " ( very proud ). This is something that do not require any specific skill-set as such and solely depends on the creators of it. It also comes with the power of commenting hard on something which do not satisfy the taste buds or occasionally giving some expert tips on quantity of salt, pepper etc. But, today's article is not about discussing my life's smart choices but about a technology that for sure is going to change the very essence of food, it's preparation, and it's no less than a revolution. I know for the first time you are getting some interes